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Authentic Rasamani to flourish in life, health and wealth

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

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What is Rasamani:

All metals are naturally in solid form except Mercury. Although it comes under the classification of a metal, Mercury is in semi-liquid form. Our ancient saints who are called Siddhas found the greatness of Mercury and its special effects when it is solidified.Rasamani is mercury beads.

Mercury, a liquid metal, is one of the natural ore available from the Earth. It is made up of air and fluidity.Generally, we might have seen mercury in white colour. But they are available in red, yellow and pale blue colours also. But these colour mercuries are rare varieties. According to Vaadha vaithiyam*, these rare mercuries are considered as one of the arsenic types. Since it consists of arsenic characteristics, Siddhars also called it as “soodham”.

Mercury is used in many ways as rasa pathangam, rasa parpam, rasa sendhooram for medicinal purposes. When it is made into a hard solid ball, it is known as Rasamani*. The transformation of mercury into rasamani is just a part of alchemy. The process of separating fluid and air from mercury was secretly maintained and also kept as a secret. If we wear this Rasamani, it gives us more benefits. It helps to cure diseases like paralysis, phlegm, bile and keeps the body function properly.

Rasamani, naturally, has the grasping power and it absorbs the power of any material and reflects it. Hence people who wish to attain wisdom through the yogic way use Rasamani.

Mercury possesses many qualities and it gives benefits in the way the Rasamani is made. Siddhars had advised various methods of making the mercury into Rasamani. The methods differ from easy level to hard level depending upon the Guru’s preaching. Siddhars conveyed their experience of making the Rasamani to the people for their benefits.

How Rasamani is made :

Its a solidified mercury and It is made with 25 Saranai lemon procecss.

28 herbal Saranai process,Separated from jathi lingam with pathanga murai

Rasamani Benefits:-

· Attracts health and wealth courage against any odds and negativities, Confidence and happiness.

· Balances life, Fulfillment of Right dreams and desires.

· Neutralize Vastu Related and Marriage delays problems.

· Healing from disease.

· Power, authority and recognition Protection from evil eyes and other evil things, Sound health, wealth and character.

· Success in profession, business, career and all activities.

· Secured financial position for self and dependents.

· Protection from dangers and negativities to self and family.

· Protection from all troubles and problems.


யோகத்தில் சிறந்து விளங்க, ஞானத்தில் முழுமை பெற, உலகியல் போகங்கள் அனைத்தையும் அனுபவிக்க, செல்வச் செழிப்பு ஓங்க, மனமும் உடலும் ஆரோக்கியம் பெற,நேர்மறை எண்ணங்கள் வலுப்பெற, ஞானத்தின் உச்சத்தை தொட, தொழில் மேன்மையுற, பொருளாதாரம் சிறப்படைய, கல்வி, கேள்வி, ஞானம் இவற்றில் சிறந்து விளங்க மற்றும் நமது காரியங்களில் நாம் முன்னேறுவதற்கான சிறந்த மணி இம்மணி.

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Sri Nithya Bramhaswarupananda Swami is a committed Hindu monk, living and enriching society with the Vedic lifestyle. He resides in the sacred temple town of Tiruvannamalai, in Tamil Nadu, India. He was initiated into the path of Poorna Sannyasa (Hindu monasticism) in the Adi Shaiva tradition, on the auspicious occasion of Mahashivaratri in 2014. Prior to embracing the spiritual path, He held a Master’s degree in Information Technology and enjoyed a prolific career taking on leadership roles in multinational companies like Tata Consultancy Services and Microsoft Corporation.


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