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Oct 29th Sukhinobhava Mission Seva.

Free Food distribution to Sadhus and Bhakta's at 16:30

For daily Annadhan and food charity.

We use only organic ingredients with Natural Pure Ghee and Serve Healing Sattvic food (no onion no garlic and green chili).

Annadhan Today :

Karamani Sundal.

Nithya Chikitsaalaya Seva:

Pain Management done to villagers and sadhus by applying seed treatment , MOXA, Acupuncture and Ayurvedic massage.

Donate Now:

Thank you for all the contributors and space holders who are making this happen.

Namasthe Namashivayam.

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About Me

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Sri Nithya Bramhaswarupananda Swami is a committed Hindu monk, living and enriching society with the Vedic lifestyle. He resides in the sacred temple town of Tiruvannamalai, in Tamil Nadu, India. He was initiated into the path of Poorna Sannyasa (Hindu monasticism) in the Adi Shaiva tradition, on the auspicious occasion of Mahashivaratri in 2014. Prior to embracing the spiritual path, He held a Master’s degree in Information Technology and enjoyed a prolific career taking on leadership roles in multinational companies like Tata Consultancy Services and Microsoft Corporation.


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