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Mar 31th Sukhinobhava Mission Seva Activities :

Selfless service with compassion is the foundation for a spiritual process and inner well-being.

At Sukhinobhava daily at 8.30 am, annadhan, medicines, and go seva distribution is offered to Sadhus and Bhakta’s. At 4.15, Free Meals from the ashram kitchen was distributed to school kids today

At Sukhinobhava we are using organic vegetables, natural ingredients combined with natural ghee for cooking. Today’s Annadhan was served as healing sattvic food

(Note: We don’t use onion, garlic, and green chilly)

Amavasya is [new] moon day and Purnima is full moon day in Hindu calendars. Both Amavasya and Purnima are considered equally strong in Hindu beliefs. In the olden days, people would always fast on Amavasya. It is said that if one can fast on an Amavasya, then all their wishes will be fulfilled. It is believed that whatever you wish for will be granted if we fast on that day. The Vedas state that as full moon and no moon may have some influence on the human body this is exactly why on these days people are told to fast and this will ensure that the acidic content in their blood is reduced. The purpose of fasting is not simply refraining from eating and drinking but refraining from evil speech thoughts and deeds and being in a state of worship even while asleep. Having said that Fasting creates remarkable endurance in a person,a special feeling of empathy and a sense of equality between the rich and the poor. Fasting occasionally, is a key to good health. So No Annadhan Today.

Evening Snacks for School Kids Nourishing Program:

As part of the Kids Nourishing Program Distributed Organic sweetened Pearl Millet Porridge (kambu koozh) with brown sugar.

Sukhinobhava’s Nithya Chikitsaalaya Seva

Pain Management did to villagers and sadhus by applying seed treatment, MOXA, Acupuncture, and Ayurvedic massage.

Sukhinobhava’s Go Samrakshana

Feeding was done to cows and Calf's every day. Green Fodder and Fruits. Cows and calfs were fed today with green fodder and fruits.

Sukhinobhava’s Temple Restoration Mission

For Kannapanar kovil in Girivalapathai, we have started to provide oil and pooja items and volunteers cleaned the temple. Pooja Offering was done to swami.

Be An Agent of Joy!

You too can be a blessing in someone’s life by bringing them the joy of good food

Sukhinobhava Ashram runs completely on generous donations from people like you.

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We Thank all the contributors and space holders who are making this happen.

Namasthe Namashivayam.

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About Me

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Sri Nithya Bramhaswarupananda Swami is a committed Hindu monk, living and enriching society with the Vedic lifestyle. He resides in the sacred temple town of Tiruvannamalai, in Tamil Nadu, India. He was initiated into the path of Poorna Sannyasa (Hindu monasticism) in the Adi Shaiva tradition, on the auspicious occasion of Mahashivaratri in 2014. Prior to embracing the spiritual path, He held a Master’s degree in Information Technology and enjoyed a prolific career taking on leadership roles in multinational companies like Tata Consultancy Services and Microsoft Corporation.


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