Apr 22nd Sukhinobhava Mission Seva Activities :

Selfless service with compassion is the foundation for a spiritual process and inner well-being.
At Sukhinobhava daily at 8.30 am, annadhan, medicines, and go seva distribution is offered to Sadhus and Bhakta’s. At 4.15, Free Meals from the ashram kitchen was distributed to school kids today
At Sukhinobhava we are using organic vegetables, natural ingredients combined with natural ghee for cooking. Today’s Annadhan was served as healing sattvic food
(Note: We don’t use onion, garlic, and green chilly)
Annadhan Menu Today (22/4/2022)
Organic idli with unbroken black urud dhal
Organic ghee mixed vegetable sambar
Herbal Water
The benefits of consuming black urad dhal are Improves Digestion, Energy-Booster, Keeping the Heart Healthy, and supporting Bone Health.